Freedom in the Alps

Freedom in the Alps

A holiday to immerse and dedicate yourself, provide what you love ... this is freedom.

For us a holiday is synonymous of taking a period of freedom and to find a place to regenerate and break the routine. This is why we developed the concept ‘Freedom in the Alps’ and daily improve our offer to make Hotel Erica Freedom in The Alps a place to stay both well and to feel free.

Freedom in the Alps for us means offering you a quiet place away from the frenzy of everyday life where you can rediscover the pleasure of contact with the nature, of slow things made with love.

Freedom in the Alps for us means giving you the opportunity to experiment and try out new sports, new experiences, new flavors and make you feel new emotions.

Hotel Erica is Freedom in the Alps: because it allows you to enjoy the beauty of nature, to give you time for yourself, to do what you love.