
Yoga Nidra

Total relax

“The goal of sankalpa is to influence and transform the entire direction of our own existence, not only on a physical level but also on
a mental, emotional and spiritual”

Sri K. Pattabhi Jois

qualche informazione in più

Yoga Nidra, also known as yogic sleep, is a meditation and conscious practice that provides total physical, mental and emotional relaxation.

t is also believed that just one hour of Yoga Nidra can be as efficient for your mind as four hours of regular sleep.

During the practice of Yoga Nidra, you reach a state between sleep and wakefulness.
In this status, the mind is exceptionally receptive to input, so any suggestions given can be successful in influencing daily behaviour, habits and tendencies.
Therefore, the practice of Yoga Nidra is an incredible tool for improving ourselves.

During the practice of Yoga Nidra your mind will be incredibly receptive and in this status you will be able to set your intention – “Sankalpa” in Sanskrit.
Giulia will invite you to choose it very carefully: its formulation should be very precise and clear so that it can easily enter the subconscious mind.

During the practice Giulia will accompany you with the soft and harmonious sound of Tibetan bells.

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