Localitá Stava, 1 38038 Tesero | VAL DI FIEMME (TN) ITALY
“First of all, we speak about asana like the first part of Hatha Yoga.
After doing asana, you get stability of body and mind, freedom from disease and lightness of limb”
Hatha Yoga Pradipika
Hatha Yoga is a gentle asana practice designed to align the muscles, bones and tissues of the body.
One of the great benefits of Hatha yoga is that it stimulates and opens many of the energy channels in the body, creating a deeper sense of balance, presence and consciousness.
The word “Hatha” is a combination of two Sanskrit words:
HA – means Sun and represents action and heat. This masculine energy is located in the right side of the body and interacts with the left side of the brain.
THA – means Moon and represents calmness. This feminine energy is located in the left part of the body and interacts with the right part of the brain.
During the Hatha Yoga practice Giulia will flow you through asana and pranayama with the intention of bringing harmony and union of male and female energy. This union between the sun and the moon creates a feeling of balance and harmony in body and mind.
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