The Magnificent Christmas Market

From 01 of December to the 06th of January

In the historic gardens of the Magnifica Comunità Palace in Cavalese, is stageg the Magnificent Christmas Market, every week end from December 01st to 15th and every day from December 20th until January 6th from 10.30 p.m. to 7.30 p.m.

In Val di Fiemme, the Christmas Holidays are warmed up by an evocative candle-lit Christmas Market, rich in typical and artisanal products, cheered-up by folk shows, exhibitions, art labs and thematic weekends.
The romantic wooden stalls arouse curiosity of the visitors, admiring slippers in boiled wool fabric, bric-à-brac with a touch of tradition, artistic creations, natural beauty creams.

There will of course, the proposals of the local cuisine and products of Fiemme Valley.

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